Tri-Wing Encampment
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Progressive Disciplinary Policy

Progressive Disciplinary Policy

There are two classes of offenses, A and B. Class A offenses are major violations that may result in immediate expulsion from the Encampment. Class B offenses are lesser infractions that may result in the assessment of lesser disciplinary action, commensurate with the offense. The Cadet and Senior Staff reserve the right to adjudicate and enforce any and all offences and the Encampment Commander’s decision is final in case of any dispute.

Class A Offenses

Include but are not limited to:
1. Possession or use of alcohol, tobacco products, drugs or weapons of any kind.
2. Possession of pornography in any form.
3. Willful damage or theft of Government, CAP, or private property.
4. Fighting.
5. Gambling.
6. Honor Code violations (lying, cheating or stealing).
7. Flagrantly unsafe acts.
8. Improper sexual contact or other gross immorality.
9. Gross neglect of duty.
10. Being AWOL from Encampment or any scheduled activity.
11. Any Class B offense committed under aggravated circumstances, such as repeated misconduct of the same sort.

Class B Offenses 

Include but are not limited to:
1. Public displays of affection.
2. Sleeping on duty. (Note: Sleeping on fire watch/CQ may be a class A offense.)
3. Insubordination or disrespect to cadet or senior NCOs/officers.
4. Absent from bed during bed check.
5. Creating a disturbance.
6. Late to class or formation.
7. Disrespect to the National Colors (American flag).
8. Unauthorized possession of food, candy, gum, sodas, etc.
9. Use of obscenity or profanity.
10. Being in areas off limits to cadets.
11. Improper/sloppy uniform or personal appearance.
12. Personal areas not neat or in conformity with Operational Instructions (OI).
13. Improper conduct in mess hall or waste of food.
14. Talking in formation.
15. Chewing gum.
16. Violations of OI; conduct unbecoming of a cadet contrary to the prejudice of good order and discipline.

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